And the “Not-So-Cute” Halloween Costumes for 2012


Okay, here they are folks…my research for cute costumes this year led me to a few duds as well, which I felt compelled to share! WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?

Time Out Baby Costume

They call it “time out”, but baby must have done something pretty serious to deserve jail time! It even comes complete with arm tats and handcuffs!  I know they grow up fast, but this is pushing it people! 

Rainforest Frog Halloween Costume

This costume should be endangered! Remember that pictures will be taken, so let’s make Halloween a holiday they will want to remember!

Baby Chewbacca

I am a huge Star Wars fan, but I am not sure I am feeling this one. It’s 2012, and it doesn’t seem as relevant as it was when the movie came out in 1977. You may have to explain this costume over and over again to all of the door greeters passing out candy when they ask, “Who are YOU dressed as?” 

Infant Orange Convict Costume

Okay, this falls into the same category as the other jail bird costume above. I have no words. 

Bacon Bunting Infant Costume

Nothing says Halloween like bacon! You have got to REALLY like bacon to dress your little one up as a slice! On the bright side, you won’t have to worry that other kids will be dressed the same as your guy when you purchase this costume.

Whoopee Cushion Bunting Costume

Actually the correct spelling is “whoopee cushion”, so not only will your little pride and joy be dressed as a flatulence pillow, they will be wearing one with a typo!

Roast Turkey Baby Costume

Usually Martha Stewart is spot on, but this craft project leaves me scratching my head. Even the model baby looks worried in this picture. “Please don’t eat me!”

Dog Riders Headless Horseman Pet Costume

Let’s not forget Fido in the dress-up fun! No ideas? Why not get a little Ken-like barbie doll, chop off it's pumpkin head, and then put it on a saddle made for your dog? This is $30 bucks and it is just plain odd…