About Rockin’ mommies

Welcome to Rockin’ Mommies! I have had this blog for over 9 years now. Initially, I created this site to just revel in my excitement of becoming a new mom and share products that I love, etc etc.

2 kids and 1 divorce later… I have “matured” and become a bit more reflective. I now want my site to empower women with information, tools, and resources to help you create, transform, and manifest your desired #MomLife!

We are always evolving. Our brains are regenerating new cells every day. We can be in the best shape of our lives…right now. Just because we are busy moms, have demanding careers, are getting older, we still have an opportunity to make our life - the life of OUR DREAMS!

When I was 10 years old, I had a dream, a vision of how my life would look when I got married. When I had my own children one day. We all had a vision then. And it’s not too late to make that beautifully naive (yet hopeful) vision of our future come to life in a more updated and realistic way. It’s not too late. If you aren’t totally happy with your life right now, or your life feels out of alignment with who you REALLY are, then it’s time to put on the brakes, strip away all of the outside expectations and chatter, and get down to work. This must come from within deep inside of you, and only from you. You have the human right to be living the kind of life you want to be living. Every. Single. Day.

I’ll admit it, life can just suck sometimes. The past few years have not been kind. I have gone through some pretty difficult life changes. Divorce. My father passing. Several times I’ve had to sit down, wipe away the tears, and really reevaluate my life with some tough questions. What do I really want from life? Where is my life going? Is my life where I want it to be? If not, how I am going to get there? And how do I want to be feeling along the way? All necessary in order to take stock and make a true transformation.

It’s not going to be easy, but I promise you, if you put in the dedication, you will have a life that better reflects the life you imagined when you were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50+ and beyond. I’m working on mine, and I must say, it’s finally evolving into the life that reflects ME. I would like to take you along with me on this journey. I’ll share some of the things I have learned that have helped me get through these difficult times with more peace, grace, and self-love.

Even with all of the crap that life throws at me, I am not giving up. And I don’t want you to either!

Let’s do this together. We got this. 👊

Rochelle 💕

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