A plan to get pregnant


Well, it’s official, we will start trying.

I have been mentally preparing myself on how my life will change and am really starting to get used to the idea of it all.  I bought a few books,“Plan to Get Pregnant: 10 Steps to Maximum Fertility”, by Zita West and “What to Expect, When You Are Expecting”, by Heidi Murdoff.  I thought these would help me learn a little bit about what I should be doing since this is all so new.  I am almost done with the Plan to Get Pregnant and some of it was very helpful, mainly learning how my reproductive system works.  Regretfully, I know very little on this subject so it’s been helpful. Although the book does mention multiple times about how much harder it is to get pregnant over the age of 35, so it tends to scare me a bit.  But all in all, I liked the book.  It also has some interesting information on alternative treatments to increase fertility such as massage (who doesn’t like that?) to help relax your body when trying to conceive.

The second book I mainly bought for when I actually do get pregnant.  There is a small section in the front for pre-pregnancy, but it doesn’t go into much detail.

So reading these books have been helpful to start getting into the mindset that I am actually going to do this, after 38 years of trying NOT to get pregnant!