Immunity-Boosting Bone Broth Chicken Soup

Bone Broth Chicken Soup.jpg

My cure-all chicken soup will ward off just about any cold/flu that seems to be coming on…


·      2 boxes of chicken bone broth (I prefer Pacifica after all of the ones I have tried)

·      1lb of organic chicken thighs or breasts, cubed into bite size chunks

·      1 medium size organic white onion, quartered and then those pieces halved

·      ½ a bag of cut up organic baby carrots (red/yellow/orange colors ideal)

·      2 big handfuls of organic baby spinach/baby kale lettuce mixture (Usually they have that lettuce blend in those plastic containers, otherwise just use spinach)

·      3 or 4 stalks of organic celery, root and top and all, cut up into ½ inch pieces

·      6 – 8 cloves of garlic (cut them in half to release flavor)

·      1 turmeric root, the size of your pinky cut up in ¼” chunks

·      1 ginger root, the size of your pinky cut up in ¼” chunks

·      1 teaspoon of organic tumeric powder

·      Fresh ground pepper to taste

·      Fresh ground pink Himalayan sea salt to taste


Throw everything into a large soup pot and simmer, covered, at a low-heat for an hour or two until you smell it. Check a few chicken pieces to make sure fully cooked. The low-heat is important to bring out the flavors and cook the chicken and soften the vegetables, but you don’t want to destroy the valuable nutrients by too high of heat and/or boiling.

A few notes:

*Everything, including the spices, should be organic (if possible). It’s all about the limited amount of energy in your good white cells, and where they allocate that energy. Less energy used in fighting off pesticides and toxins in the food you just consumed, allows more energy allocated to fighting off the virus/illness and boosting your immune system. 

*Depending on how much of everything you put in, you may or may not need another box of bone broth. If you like a lot of broth to the ratio of chunky ingredients, I would have another one on hand.

*No noodles or rice in this soup, it’s grain-free to keep it low-glycemic. Salt if fine, sugar is a no-no, and carbs = glucose.

*Last, but not least, if your husband and/or children complain that you smell funny after consuming, rest assured, you have made this soup correctly. Happy flu-fighting!!!